This is my second July 4th holiday in Eastport, but this year provided a much different perspective than last year. Physically my new home is located right in the heart of things, a 5 minute walk to downtown, the parade, and the fireworks. And I am now a member of this very welcoming community so I feel more connected in so many ways.
July 1st
The holiday festivities kick off on Canada Day. While having breakfast at my kitchen counter, I watched the sailboats muster and depart below my house for the 12th Annual Canada Day Race. A stunning sight.

Exactly one month after my arrival, I put the final touches on my vacation rental a mere 2 hours before my first guests arrived! Talk about down to the wire. But I am very pleased with the apartment - I'm already pretty booked up through this season! Here is the link to the AirBnB listing - check it out:
My house is on the main drag so I got into the red, white and blue spirit! The window trim is peeling but this will be re-painted in Sept (I need a home improvement break for now). But I think the flag fans help spruce up the place and I had my 175 Water St. mailbox customized on Etsy. I think it all looks pretty festive!

July 2nd - Arrival of the USS McFaul
Every year, a US Navy ship arrives for the Eastport July 4th celebrations. This year I was able to watch the ship pass right by my house on the way to port! My tennis friend Jeanne's husband is the pilot boat captain. He guides all the big ships thru the bay because of the difficult passage. The McFaul is a destroyer that was commissioned 20 years ago. It is wonderful to see all the sailors in town for the holiday week!

July 3rd - Private reception for US Senator Angus King
So I would likely never be invited to a private reception for Feinstein or Kamala in CA. But one month after arriving in Maine I’m schmoozing with US senators! While Susan Collins gets a lot of press as a Republican swing vote, Angus King is one of 2 independents (along with Bernie) in the Senate. I was impressed by his voice of non-partisan reason in these crazy times. I particularly enjoyed talking to his wife Mary, she was interested in my tech background and plans to connect me with other women in tech in Maine; that might prove interesting. The home where the event was held was STUNNING, beautiful sculpture garden, a putting green and gorgeous bay-side views.

July 4th!!!
Today is the day. Eastport hosts the largest Independence Day celebrations in the state of Maine. The town's population swells from about 2,000 to 20,000! I have learned to pace myself thru the week as there are so many activities to choose from and you can't do it all. Plus, we had a bit of a heat wave, it hit 88 degrees which is rare for here (our temps are normally pretty similar to Santa Cruz). I was lucky to find a spot in the shade for the parade. We may not have the Precision Beach Chair Brigade or the Santa Cruz Ukulele Club like the World's Shortest Parade in Aptos, but we have the 280 sailors in dress whites from the USS McFaul, a US Senator (Angus!), 2 bagpipe corps from Canada and a bunch of crazy Shriners doing go-cart stunts!

July 11th - Music on the Rocks
Every other Wednesday evening, there is a music concert on the rocks overlooking the port. Today was an awesome jazz quartet. They are based in Florida, but the bandleader/piano player has a summer home in Maine so they tour here in the summer. What a treat! It was a gorgeous night and Leonard, the singer was amazing. Even Bella behaved herself.

July 12th
The other thing that I love about this part of the country is that it rains in the summer! About once a week we get a thunderstorm. It keeps things lush and green year round. This storm passed through quickly, leaving a beautiful gift in it's wake!